In this Saturday’s LA Times, Booth Moore wrote about Baby Glam and how one picture of one t-shirt made a Denver boutique called Belly a shitload (no pun intended) of cash thanks to Li’l Ms. Shiloh Jolie-Pitt. Yup Brad and Angie’s babe wore the thing in People mag and now everybody wants it.
I gotta admit, the tee is actually pretty cute (it's got a skull and cross bones with spoons, pots and pans all over it) and I would put my child in it if only because my hubby’s a chef and it’s appropriate. But do I really care that some celebrity spawn wore it?
As I’ve written here before, I am expecting, and after an exciting 20 week ultrasound last week I found out what I’m having. Though I really had no preference, it looks like I’ll be having much more fun with fashion in about 20 more weeks.
Yup, it’s a girl! (Pic below is not mine but it looks exactly the same). Either way I think I’d want to dress my kid in somewhat stylish stuff ( I mean who wouldn’t?) but let’s face it, as is true in adulthood, there are just more options for females.
Dresses, pants, skirts, onesies in shades of pink, lavender and even red. Hey, I myself happen to be fond of “girlie” dressing (see my recent fashion piece on the concept here) so why not have some fun with my kid?
Still, some of the celeb baby fashion frenzy has gotten way out of hand. Like the diamond encrusted pacifer Shiloh got from some jewelry company. Ridiculous.
Moore’s story quoted Fraser Ross, owner of Kitson Kids as saying “I think that children are becoming the new designer handbags.” Huh? Okay, there may be a baby boom in Hollywood right now, but equating the fruit of your loins, the love of your life, to a pricey purse or a status symbol? Gross.
One celeb mama I do admire though and might be influenced by a bit, is Gwen Stefani, especially before she delivered. Even when she was huge, she always looked so put together and happy and relaxed, red lipstick and all. See the recent shots of her, her man Gavin and their son here. She looks great. Bigger than usual, but great.
People have been telling me I have the glow lately, which is nice, but unfortunately the glow doesn’t come without the ever-growing gut, and after I looked at a recent photo a pal took, I freaked. Talk about “My Hump(s). ”
I’m trying to maintain some style as I expand and I’m sure the same will be true when I’m a mom. But it’s not gonna be about labels or baby bling or designer diaper bags (not that I’d mind the later if it was given to me as a present). It’s gonna be about what my daughter can be both cute and comfy in, and if that happens to be nothing more than a diaper and a plain white tee, then that is what it’s gonna be baby!
I totally agree with your points. obvious 222222 [url=]333333[/url] Too bad with all the spam on this site :(
Posted by: Preved | July 04, 2009 at 06:27 AM
You might want to also make sure that everything with your closet has a site to go. As long as this is the case, you will find a way to put things again where they belong, and maintain everything organized
Posted by: Visvim | November 22, 2010 at 06:08 PM
If you have a favorite one, befriend the sales people so they can give you a heads up when a new batch of used designer duds are shipped. Going into denial will only make matters worse.
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