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I have actually, in my 36 years of life on this planet, never..ever, met a bigger cunt than Amanda Demme. She is the most superficial, insecure woman I have ever met.


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Believe me, I've interviewed enough people in my time to smell when someone is laying on the "I'm so humble" bullshit. But this girl was 100% legit, a straightforward broad who tells it how it is. Look out for my ass-kissy piece coming out late April in the LA Weekly's People issue.

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six weeks after she gave birth to their second child. She talked about how weird it is to have the public spotlight on you, and how it terrifies her. She talked more about her two kids than she did about nightclubs or celebrities. Above all, she struck me as a hard-as-nails businesswoman who could give two shits about the glitz and glamour. "You'd never think it but I'm pretty introverted," she told me.

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You'd never think it but I'm pretty introverted," she told me.

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