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Hey Caroline. I appreciate the strap-on too! Even though I feel like next to Moira, Shane is a bumbling teenage boy, I highly appreciately the chick being ready under her Jagger-tight pants. Loved it.

Caroline Ryder

Hi Lizanne - yes I have an enormous crush on Moira too...those eyes...I hear she gets some strap action of her own a little later in the series, with none other than Alan Cummings character...cant WAIT for that one.... :)
PS: Isn't Jenny Schecter totally annoying?


She does, Moira gets a blow job from Alan Cummings. But you know, I know everybody hates Jenny, but I may be the one viewer who actually really likes her. I don't know why. I guess I believe her craziness completely. I do hate the Carmen character though, I think she's a cunt! She gets worse as the series goes on, at least up to episode 6, which is as far as I've seen (compliments of a dvd "for the Emmy consideration" of my friend in the Academy).

Caroline Ryder

I'm glad you said that about Jenny cause she's the one people always say I am most like...small, dark, tortured writer, etc etc...she's also kinda slutty. Hmm. I didn't know it was a blowjob between Moira/Alan. Nice work Moira. Yeah Carmen is starting to piss me off too. Remember when she did that 'sexy dance' for Shane in her underwear? Lord deliver us...

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