You've almost certainly seen Mark 'The Cobra Snake' Hunter before. If you havent, you need to get out more. He's the ubiquitous hairy dude in the tiny Y-fronts and John McEnroe sweatband who shows up at parties around town and takes photos of trashy-chic scenesters for his website The Cobra Snake. Oh, and he has a column in the Weekly.
"Hey Caroline, how come you're the only person in LA who hasn't written about me yet," he asks. Turns out he was recently on cover of the LA Times. On October 25, Steve Lopez devoted his entire column to Mark, dubbing him 'Los Angeles' preeminent hipster'.
"He hangs out with models, DJs, pro skaters, fashion designers, celebrities, rock musicians, the unbearably cool and the painfully fashionable. He wears the most outrageous designer and vintage fashions, which he often gets as gifts. He flies all over the world to attend parties. People, young women especially, recognize him wherever he goes....Hunter has taken photo-blogging to the level of celebrity. His website is where Hunter, paparazzo to the unfamous, holds a mirror up to hipster culture and also helps manufacture it."
His mom Iris, pictured next to him, is ever so proud of her boy.
Anyway Mark, forget the LA Times - here you are being featured by the Style Council. Doesn't get much better than this, baby...
Speaking of babies, meet tiny Vivian, the genetically-blessed offspring of artist Shepard Fairey and his wife and business partner Amanda. Vivian may only be a few months old, but she almost outstrips Cobra Snake on the hipster scale, and is regularly to be found looking cute with her ma and pa at the hottest parties in town.
(BTW: Cobra Snake used to work for Amanda and Shepard at their design studio in Korea Town. It's just one big happy family...)
Posted by Caroline Ryder
It depends on how you marsuee best. The Valentine One Radar Detector is certainly best in rear radar detection, as it has a second detection antenna pointing toward the rear of the vehicle. No other radar detector provides a rear-facing radar antenna.However, the Valentine One is not the best in detection distance or false alarm performance. The Beltronics STi is best in those categories (among others). Perhaps more importantly, the Valentine One is NOT the best radar detector for avoiding police radar detector detectors. In some places where the use of radar detectors is frowned upon, police may use a radar detector detector (RDD) to locate vehicles using radar detectors. They will then fine the driver and/or confiscate the radar detector. The Beltronics STi Driver (and the new STi Remote) is the ONLY radar detector that is 100% invisible to all RDDs.So what is best depends on your particular situation. If you aren't concerned about RDD, the Valentine One is certainly a wise choice. If RDD is a concern, you are better off with the Bel STi.
Posted by: Bhoumik | August 11, 2012 at 01:09 PM
XCUSmW Thanks so much for the blog article.
Posted by: news | July 12, 2013 at 03:21 PM